CGW4U World Issues: A Geographic Analysis, Grade 12

Course Title: World Issues: A Geographic Analysis, Grade 12, University Preparation (CGW4U)
Course Name: World Issues: A Geographic Analysis
Course Code: CGW4U
Grade: 12
Course Type: University Preparation
Credit Value: 1.0
Prerequisite: Any university or university / college preparation course in Social Sciences and Humanities, English, or Canadian and World Studies.
Curriculum Policy Document: Canadian and World Studies, The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12, 2015 (Revised)
Course Developer: Toronto eSchool
Department: Canadian and World Studies
Department Head: Erin Weir, B.A.(Hon), B.Ed., OCT
Developed Date: 2016
Most Recent Revised Date: 2022
Course Description:
In CGW4U course, students will address the challenge of creating a more sustainable and equitable world. They will explore issues involving a wide range of topics, including economic disparities, threats to the environment, globalization, human rights, and quality of life, and will analyse government policies, international agreements, and individual responsibilities relating to them. Students will apply the concepts of geographic thinking and the geographic inquiry process, including the use of spatial technologies, to investigate these complex issues and their impacts on natural and human communities around the world.
Unit | Unit Titles and Descriptions | Time and Sequence |
Introduction to CGW4U | ||
1 | What is Geography? In this unit, students will become familiarized with terms used for geographic analysis, develop a basic understanding of the world map and map projections, and learn about statistical analysis. Instead of learning about world issues in detail, students will be exposed to and develop a basic understanding of several world issues. |
8 hours |
2 | Disparities and Inequalities In this unit students will look at different issues that are characterized by inequalities between countries and within countries. Students will first learn about geographic disparities in accessing natural resources, wealth disparities between nations, and the effects of migration at the national and global scales. The unit will introduce tools for population analysis such as statistical indicators to better investigate disparities. |
16 hours |
Mid-term Assignment This assignment involves using statistical indicators to evaluate a world issue of the student's choosing by comparing two countries. The assignment will serve as a building block for a further investigation of the issue using non-statistical information in the final assignment. |
8 hours | |
3 | Sustainability and Stewardship This unit will introduce the many levels of strategies for sustainable development including international bodies and agreements, government policies, as well as the effects of activists and individuals. Students will also learn about how population growth affects sustainability and also about our common resources. By the end of the unit, the student will have a better understanding of their role and the role of policy in creating a sustainable world, and also will have learned statistical tools and concepts to measure sustainable development. |
18 hours |
4 | Globalization In this unit, students will be introduced to the concepts of economic, social, and cultural globalization. At the start of the unit, students will define and understand the causes of globalization, and then will investigate how trade agreements and immigration affect the interdependence and wellbeing of countries. The remainder of the unit will be dedicated to learning about strategies to manage the effects of globalization as well as other effects of globalization. |
18 hours |
5 | Social Change The final unit will look at the various ways that our society is changing as a result of geographic issues. The first component will investigate how the leadership of individuals, nongovernmental organization, intergovernmental organizations, and governments manage social change. The unit will also look at the impacts of social change management, and will introduce other issues that continue to affect people across the globe. Special emphasis will be placed on overpopulation, human rights, food security, and healthcare. |
18 hours |
Final Assignment The final assignment will build on the statistical analysis of a world issue by having students write a 5-page essay on the issue using other sources such as historical sources, newspaper articles, and GIS maps. The final assignment will allow students to explore why or why not the world issue affects the two focus countries differently. |
12 hours | |
Review Lessons | 10 hours | |
Final Exam (20%) |
2 hours | |
Total | 110 hours |
Strand A. Geographic Inquiry and Skill Development | |
A1 | Geographic Inquiry: use the geographic inquiry process and the concepts of geographic thinking when investigating world issues |
A2 | Developing Transferable Skills: apply in everyday contexts skills, including spatial skills, developed through geographical investigation, and identify careers in which a background in geography might be an asset |
Strand B. Spatial Organization: Relationships and Disparities | |
B1 | Natural Resource Disparities: analyse relationships between quality of life and access to natural resources for various countries and regions |
B2 | Population Disparities: analyse relationships between demographic and political factors and quality of life for various countries and regions |
B3 | Classifying Regions of the world: explain how various characteristics are used to classify the world into regions or other groupings |
Strand C. Sustainability and Stewardship | |
C1 | Strategies and Initiatives: analyse strategies and initiatives that support environmental stewardship in a national and global level, and assess their effectiveness in promoting the sustainability of the natural environment |
C2 | Population growth: assess the impact of population growth on the sustainability of natural systems |
C3 | Caring for the Commons: analyse issues relating to the use and management of common-pool resources |
Strand D: Interaction and Interdependence: Globalization | |
D1 | Trade and Immigration: analyse the influence of trade agreements and immigration policies on global interdependence |
D2 | Impacts and Management: analyse isssues relating to national and global impacts of globalization from a geographic perspective, and assess responsibilities and approaches for managing these issues |
D3 | Characteristics and Driving Forces: describe the major characteristics of globalization, and analyse factors that are driving the globalization process |
Strand E: Social Change and Quality of Life | |
E1 | Leadership and Policy: analyse the influence of governments, groups, and individuals on the promotion and management of social change |
E2 | Agents of Change: analyse impacts of selected agents of change on society and quality of life |
E3 | Continuing Challenges: analyse issues relating to human rights, food security, health care, and other challenges to the quality of life of the world's population |
As in a conventional classroom, instructors employ a range of strategies for teaching a course:
- Basic notes and definitions that explain concepts and provide examples
- Direct instruction and coaching on student work by the teacher
- Using lesson assignments to explore different sources and develop critical thinking skills
In addition, teachers and students have at their disposal a number of tools that are unique to electronic learning environments:
- Discussion boards and email
- Interactive activities that engage both the student and teacher in the subject
- Internet Instructional Videos
- A number of talks and documentaries available online
- A number of talks and documentaries available online
- Looking at different online map resources
All course material is online, no textbook is required. Assignments are submitted electronically. Tests are completed online at a time convenient for the student, and the course ends in a final exam which the student writes under the supervision of a proctor approved by Toronto eSchool at a predetermined time and place. The final mark and report card are then forwarded to the student's home school.
Students must achieve the Ministry of Education learning expectations of a course and complete 110 hours of planned learning activities, both online and offline, in order to earn a course credit. Students must keep a learning log throughout their course which outlines the activities they have completed and their total learning hours. This log must be submitted before the final exam can be written.
The chart below indicates some general examples of online and offline activities.
Online Learning Activities | Offline Learning Activities |
Watching instructional videos | Studying instructional material |
Watching documentaries on the course page | Practicing skills |
Communicating with instructor | Completing lesson assignments |
Reading online note packages | Completing mid-term and final assignment |
Exploring additional links and tools presented | Reviewing for tests and exams |
Contributing to the discussion board | Researching topics on internet |
Students are expected to access and participate actively in course work and course forums on a regular and frequent basis. This interaction with other students is a major component of this course and there are minimum requirements for student communication and contribution.
TorontoeSchool's approach to assessment and evaluation is based on the Ontario Ministry of Education's Growing Success 2010 document. Assessment is the process of gathering information that accurately reflects how well a student is achieving the curriculum expectations in a subject or course.
The primary purpose of assessment is to improve student learning. Assessment for this purpose is seen as both "assessment for learning" and "assessment as learning". As part of assessment for learning, teachers provide students with descriptive feedback and coaching for improvement. Teachers engage in assessment as learning by helping all students develop their capacity to be independent, autonomous learners who are able to set individual goals, monitor their own progress, determine next steps, and reflect on their thinking and learning. Toronto eSchool teachers use evidence from a variety of sources in their assessment. These include formal and informal observations, discussions, conversations, questioning, assignments, projects, portfolios, self-assessments, self-reflections, essays, and tests.
Assessment occurs concurrently and seamlessly with instruction. Our courses contain multiple opportunities for students to obtain information about their progress and achievement, and to receive feedback that will help them improve their learning. Students can monitor their own success through the tracking of learning goals and success criteria throughout all courses.
Summative "assessment of learning" activities occur at or near the end of periods of learning. Evidence of student achievement for evaluation is also collected over time from different sources, such as discussions, conversations and observation of the development of the student's learning. Using multiple sources of evidence increases the reliability and validity of this evaluation. The evaluations are expressed as a percentage based upon the levels of achievement.
Assessment as Learning | Assessment for Learning | Assessment of Learning |
In all Units, students will complete a short assignment after each lesson to solidify their knowledge on the subject, as well as develop their geographic inquiry and critical thinking skills. Students discover their areas of weakness and can take steps to improve on them. The student and instructor can then have a conversation on how best to assist the student's learning. | In all Units, students are expected to submit the lesson assignments to their instructor. The assignments focus on variety of skills and questions that help develop the student's tools for geographic analysis. The instructor will grade a select number of the assignments in detail and provide descriptive feedback and the student is asked to provide feedback on the feedback. | The course's mid-term and final assignments are submitted to the instructor. The grade is recorded based on the achievement chart for the assignments. Students may be asked to resubmit parts of the assignment, or a modified assignment. |
Instructors communicate with their students through email or live chat sessions. Students can raise concerns and reflect on their own personal goals and learning during these one to one conversations with their instructors. | The discussion board activities, which may be driven by a question posed by an instructor to one or a group of students, help foster debate and discussion on the topic. These activities become part of the student's grade under the category "Online Collaboration" and provide an opportunity for the instructor to provide feedback to the student. | At the end of the course, students complete a final exam that covers all the material studied in the course. |
CGW4U Unit 1: What is Geography?
Learning Goals
Success Criteria | Level | |||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
I can define and understand the term geography | ||||
I can define and understand the differences between scales of analysis | ||||
I know of different sources for statistical information | ||||
I understand the limitations of some statistical sources | ||||
I understand what a Geographic Information System is | ||||
I know the meaning and implications of the term geographic analysis | ||||
I know of and understand different world issues | ||||
I can identify the world's major regions, oceans, and countries on a map | ||||
I can think of examples for different terms creatively and critically | ||||
I can justify my arguments effectively and clearly | ||||
I can write responses and examples without major grammatical issues | ||||
I can contribute and discuss with my peers effectively | ||||
Teacher Feedback: |
Student Feedback: |
Growing Success articulates the vision the Ministry has for the purpose and structure of assessment and evaluation techniques. There are seven fundamental principles that ensure best practices and procedures of assessment and evaluation by Torontoeschool teachers. Assessment and evaluations:
- are fair, transparent, and equitable for all students;
- support all students, including those with special education needs, those who are learning the language of instruction (English or French), and those who are First Nation, Metis, or Inuit;
- are carefully planned to relate to the curriculum expectations and learning goals and, as much as possible, to the interests, learning styles and preferences, needs, and experiences of all students;
- are communicated clearly to students and parents at the beginning of the school year or course and at other appropriate points throughout the school year or course;
- are ongoing, varied in nature, and administered over a period of time to provide multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate the full range of their learning;
- provide ongoing descriptive feedback that is clear, specific, meaningful, and timely to support improved learning and achievement
- develop students self-assessment skills to enable them to assess their own learning, set specific goals, and plan next steps for their learning.
The evaluation for this course is based on the student's achievement of curriculum expectations and the demonstrated skills required for effective learning. The percentage grade represents the quality of the student's overall achievement of the expectations for the course and reflects the corresponding level of achievement as described in the achievement chart for the discipline. A credit is granted and recorded for this course if the student's grade is 50% or higher. The final grade for this course will be determined as follows:
- 70% of the grade will be based upon evaluations conducted throughout the course. This portion of the grade will reflect the student's most consistent level of achievement throughout the course, although special consideration will be given to more recent evidence of achievement.
- 30% of the grade will be based on a final exam administered at the end of the course.
Final Grade Weight Breakdown
10% | Contributions to Discussion Forum |
50% | Unit Lesson Assignments |
10% | Mid Term Assignment |
10% | Final Culminating |
20% | Final Exam |
The general balance of weighting of the categories of the achievement chart throughout the course is
Knowledge and Understanding | 25% |
Thinking | 25% |
Communication | 25% |
Application | 25% |
Two official report cards are issued - midterm and final. Each report card will focus on two distinct but related aspects of student achievement. First, the achievement of curriculum expectations is reported as a percentage grade. Additionally, the course median is reported as a percentage. The teacher will also provide written comments concerning the student's strengths, areas for improvement and next steps. Second, the learning skills are reported as a letter grade, representing one of four levels of accomplishment. The report cards contain separate sections for the reporting of these two aspects. The report card also indicates whether an OSSD credit has been earned.
The purpose of the achievement chart is to:
- provide a common framework that encompasses all curriculum expectations for all courses;
- guide the development of high-quality assessment tasks and tools;
- help teachers plan instruction for learning;
- assist teachers in providing meaningful feedback to students;
- provide various categories/criteria with which to assess and evaluate students' learning.
The achievement chart provides a reference point for all assessment practice and a framework within which achievement will be assessed and evaluated.
- The chart is organized into four broad criteria; Knowledge / Understanding, Thinking / Investigation, Communication, and Application.
- The achievement chart describes the levels of achievement of the curriculum expectations within each subset of criteria.
- The "descriptor" indicates the characteristic of performance, with respect to a particular criterion, on which assessment or evaluation is focused.
- A specific "qualifier" is used to define each of the four levels of achievement. It is used along with a descriptor to produce a description of performance at a particular level.
- The following table provides a summary description of achievement in each percentage grade range and corresponding level of achievement:
A Summary Description of Achievement in Each Percentage Grade Range and Corresponding Level of Achievement |
Percentage Grade Range |
Achievement Level |
Summary Description |
80-100% | Level 4 | A very high to outstanding level of achievement. Achievement is above the provincial standard. |
70-79% | Level 3 | A high level of achievement. Achievement is at the provincial standard. |
60-69% | Level 2 | A moderate level of achievement. Achievement is below, but approaching, the provincial standard. |
50-59% | Level 1 | A passable level of achievement. Achievement is below the provincial standard. |
below 50% | Level R | Insufficient achievement of curriculum expectations. A credit will not be granted. |
Knowledge and Understanding - Subject-specific content acquired in each course (knowledge), and the comprehension of its meaning and significance (understanding) | ||||
The student: | ||||
Knowledge of content (e.g., facts, terms, definitions) |
demonstrates limited knowledge of content | demonstrates some knowledge of content | demonstrates considerable knowledge of content | demonstrates thorough knowledge of content |
Understanding of mathematical content (e.g., concepts, ideas, theories, interrelationships, procedures, processes, methodologies, spatial technologies) |
demonstrates limited understanding of content | demonstrates some understanding of content | demonstrates considerable understanding of content | demonstrates thorough and insightful understanding of content |
Thinking - The use of critical and creative thinking skills and/or processes | ||||
The student: | ||||
Use of planning skills (e.g., organizing an inquiry; formulating questions; gathering and organizing data, evidence, and information; setting goals; focusing research) |
uses planning skills with limited effectiveness | uses planning skills with moderate effectiveness | uses planning skills with considerable effectiveness | uses planning skills with a high degree of effectiveness |
Use of processing skills (e.g., interpreting, analysing, synthesizing, and evaluating data, evidence, and information; analyzing maps; detecting point of view and bias; formulating conclusions) |
uses processing skills with limited effectiveness | uses processing skills with some effectiveness | uses processing skills with considerable effectiveness | uses processing skills with a high degree of effectiveness |
Use of critical/creative thinking processes (e.g., applying concepts of disciplinary thinking; using inquiry, problem-solving, and decision-making processes) |
uses critical / creative thinking processes with limited effectiveness | uses critical / creative thinking processes with some effectiveness | uses critical / creative thinking processes with considerable effectiveness | uses critical / creative thinking processes with a high degree of effectiveness |
Communication - The conveying of meaning through various forms | ||||
The student: | ||||
Expression and organization of ideas and thinking (e.g., clear expression, logical organization) in oral, graphic, and written forms, including media forms | expresses and organizes ideas and information with limited effectiveness | expresses and organizes ideas and information with some effectiveness | expresses and organizes ideas and information with considerable effectiveness | expresses and organizes ideas and information with a high degree of effectiveness |
Communication for different audiences (e.g., peers, adults)and purposes (e.g., to inform, to persuade) in oral, written, and visual forms | communicates for different audiences and purposes with limited effectiveness | communicates for different audiences and purposes with some effectiveness | communicates for different audiences and purposes with considerable effectiveness | communicates for different audiences and purposes with a high degree of effectiveness |
Use of conventions (e.g., mapping and graphing conventions, communication conventions), vocabulary, and terminology of the discipline in oral, written, and visual forms | uses conventions, vocabulary, and terminology of the discipline with limited effectiveness | uses conventions, vocabulary, and terminology of the discipline with some effectiveness | uses conventions, vocabulary, and terminology of the discipline with considerable effectiveness | uses conventions, vocabulary, and terminology of the discipline with a high degree of effectiveness |
Application - The use of knowledge and skills to make connections within and between various contexts | ||||
The student: | ||||
Application of knowledge and skills (e.g., concepts, procedures, spatial skills, processes, technologies) in familiar contexts | applies knowledge and skills in familiar contexts with limited effectiveness | applies knowledge and skills in familiar contexts with some effectiveness | applies knowledge and skills in familiar contexts with considerable effectiveness | applies knowledge and skills in familiar contexts with a high degree of effectiveness |
Transfer of knowledge and skills ((e.g., concepts, procedures, methodologies, technologies) to new contexts | transfers knowledge and skills to new contexts with limited effectiveness | transfers knowledge and skills to new contexts with some effectiveness | transfers knowledge and skills to new contexts with considerable effectiveness | transfers knowledge and skills to new contexts with a high degree of effectiveness |
Making connections within and between various contexts (e.g., between topics/issues being studied and everyday life; between disciplines; between past, present, and future contexts; in different spatial, cultural, or environmental contexts; in proposing and/or taking action to address related issues; in making predictions) | makes connections within and between various contexts with limited effectiveness | makes connections within and between various contexts with some effectiveness | makes connections within and between various contexts with considerable effectiveness | makes connections within and between various contexts with a high degree of effectiveness |
- Access to CGW4U online course of study
- Access to a scanner or digital camera
- Access to a word-processing software
- Access to Youtube
Reference Texts
Note: This course is entirely online and does not require or rely on any textbook. Should students wish to seek additional information we would recommend this texts:
- Sparke, M. (2013). Introducing Globalization: Ties, Tensions, and Uneven Integration. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
Teachers who are planning a program in this subject will make an effort to take into account considerations for program planning that align with the Ontario Ministry of Education policy and initiatives in a number of important areas
- Education for students with special education needs
- Environmental education
- Equity and inclusive education
- Financial literacy education
- Ontario First Nations, Metis, and Inuit education
- Role of information and communications technology
- English language learners
- Career education
- Cooperative education and other workplace experiences
- Health and safety
1. Education for Students with Special Education Needs:
Torontoeschool is committed to ensuring that all students are provided with the learning opportunities and supports they require to gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence they need to succeed in a rapidly changing society. The context of special education and the provision of special education programs and services for exceptional students in Ontario are constantly evolving. Provisions included in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Ontario Human Rights Code have driven some of these changes. Others have resulted from the evolution and sharing of best practices related to the teaching and assessment of students with special educational needs.
The provision of special education programs and services for students at Torontoeschool rests within a legal framework The Education Act and the regulations related to it set out the legal responsibilities pertaining to special education. They provide comprehensive procedures for the identification of exceptional pupils, for the placement of those pupils in educational settings where the special education programs and services appropriate to their needs can be delivered, and for the review of the identification of exceptional pupils and their placement.
Teachers will take into account the needs of exceptional students as set out in the students' Individual Education Plan. The online courses offer a vast array of opportunities for students with special educations needs to acquire the knowledge and skills required for our evolving society. Students who use alternative techniques for communication may find a venue to use these special skills in these courses. There are a number of technical and learning aids that can assist in meeting the needs of exceptional students as set out in their Individual Education Plan. In the process of taking their online course, students may use a personal amplification system, tela-typewriter (via Bell relay service), an oral or a sign-language interpreter, a scribe, specialized computer programs, time extensions, ability to change font size, oral readers, etc.
2. Environmental Education:
Environmental education teaches students about how the planet's physical and biological systems work, and how we can create a more sustainable future. Good curriculum design allows environmental issues and topics to be woven in and out of the online course content. This ensures that the student will have opportunities to acquire the knowledge, skills, perspectives and practices needed to become an environmentally literate citizen. The online course should provide opportunities for each student to address environmental issues in their home, in their local community, or even at the global level.
3. Equity and Inclusive Education:
Torontoeschool is taking important steps to reduce discrimination and embrace diversity in our online school in order to improve overall student achievement and reduce achievement gaps due to discrimination. The Ontario Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy was launched in April 2009 and states that all members of the Torontoeschool community are to be treated with respect and dignity. This strategy is helping Torontoeschool educators better identify and remove discriminatory biases and systemic barriers to student achievement. These barriers related to racism, sexism, homophobia and other forms of discrimination may prevent some students from reaching their full potential. The strategy supports the Ministry's key education priorities of high student achievement, reduced gaps in student achievement and increased accountability and public confidence in Ontario's schools. Students, regardless of their background or personal circumstances, must be given every opportunity to reach their full potential. Research shows that when students feel welcomed and accepted in their school, they are more likely to succeed academically. Torontoeschool desires to create a culture of high expectations where factors such as race, age, gender, sexual orientation and socio-economic status do not prevent students from achieving ambitious outcomes.
4. Financial Literacy Education:
Financial literacy may be defined as having the knowledge and skills needed to make responsible economic and financial decisions with competence and confidence. Since making financial decisions has become an increasingly complex task in the modern world, students need to have knowledge in various areas and a wide range of skills in order to make informed decisions about financial matters. Students need to be aware of risks that accompany various financial choices. They need to develop an understanding of world economic forces as well as ways in which they themselves can respond to those influences and make informed choices. Torontoeschool considers it essential that financial literacy be considered an important attribute of a well-educated population. In addition to acquiring knowledge in such specific areas as saving, spending, borrowing, and investing, students need to develop skills in problem solving, inquiry, decision making, critical thinking, and critical literacy related to financial and other issues. The goal is to help students acquire the knowledge and skills that will enable them to understand and respond to complex issues regarding their own personal finances and the finances of their families, as well as to develop an understanding of local and global effects of world economic forces and the social, environmental, and ethical implications of their own choices as consumers. The Ministry of Education and Torontoeschool are working to embed financial literacy expectations and opportunities in all courses as appropriate, as part of the ongoing curriculum review process.
5. Ontario First Nations, Metis, and Inuit Education:
First Nation, Metis, and Inuit students in Ontario will need to have the knowledge, skills, and confidence they need to successfully complete their elementary and secondary education in order to pursue postsecondary education or training and/or to enter the workforce. They will need to have the traditional and contemporary knowledge, skills, and attitudes required to be socially contributive, politically active, and economically prosperous citizens of the world. All students in Ontario will need to have knowledge and appreciation of contemporary and traditional First Nation, Metis, and Inuit traditions, cultures, and perspectives. Torontoeschool and the Ministry of Education are committed to First Nation, Metis, and Inuit student success. Torontoeschool teachers are committed to (1) developing strategies that will increase the capacity of the education system to respond to the learning and cultural needs of First Nation, Metis, and Inuit students; (2) providing quality programs, services, and resources to help create learning opportunities for First Nation, Metis, and Inuit students that support improved academic achievement and identity building; (3) providing a curriculum that facilitates learning about contemporary and traditional First Nation, Metis, and Inuit cultures, histories, and perspectives among all students where possible; and (4) developing and implementing strategies that facilitate increased participation by First Nation, Metis, and Inuit parents, students, communities, and organizations in working to support the academic success of the student.
6. The Role of Information and Communications Technology in the Curriculum.
Information literacy is the ability to access, select, gather, critically evaluate, and create information. Communication literacy refers to the ability to communicate information and to use the information obtained to solve problems and make decisions. Information and communications technologies are utilized by all Torontoeschool students when the situation is appropriate within their online course. As a result, students will develop transferable skills through their experience with word processing, internet research, presentation software, and telecommunication tools, as would be expected in any other course or any business environment.
7. English Language Learners:
This Torontoeschool online course can provide a wide range of options to address the needs of ESL/ELD students. This online course must be flexible in order to accommodate the needs of students who require instruction in English as a second language or English literacy development. The Torontoeschool teacher considers it to be their responsibility to help students develop their ability to use the English language properly. Appropriate modifications to teaching, learning, and evaluation strategies in this course may be made in order to help students gain proficiency in English, since students taking English as a second language at the secondary level have limited time in which to develop this proficiency. This online course can provide a wide range of options to address the needs of ESL/ELD students. Well written content will aid ESL students in mastering not only the content of this course, but as well, the English language and all of its idiosyncrasies. Torontoeschool has created course content to enrich the student's learning experience. In addition, since many occupations in Canada require employees with capabilities in the English language, many students will learn English language skills which can contribute to their success in the larger world.
8. Career Education:
As the online student progresses through their online course, their teacher is available to help the student prepare for employment in a huge number of diverse areas. With the help of their teacher, students will learn to set and achieve goals and will gain experience in making meaningful decisions concerning their career choices. The skills, knowledge and creativity that students acquire through this online course are essential for a wide range of careers. Throughout their secondary school education, students will learn about the educational and career opportunities that are available to them; explore and evaluate a variety of those opportunities; relate what they learn in their courses to potential careers in a variety of fields; and learn to make appropriate educational and career choices.
9. Cooperative Education and Other Workplace Experiences:
By applying the skills they have developed, students will readily connect their classroom learning to real-life activities in the world in which they live. Cooperative education and other workplace experiences will broaden their knowledge of employment opportunities in a wide range of fields. In addition, students will increase their understanding of workplace practices and the nature of the employer-employee relationship. Torontoeschool teachers will try to help students link to Ministry programs to ensure that students have information concerning programs and opportunities.
10. Health and Safety:
As part of every course, students must be made aware that health and safety are everyone's responsibility - at home, at school, and in the workplace. Teachers must model safe practices at all times and communicate safety requirements to students in accordance with school board and Ministry of Education policies and Ministry of Labour regulations.
Health and safety issues not usually associated with Canadian and world studies education may be important when the learning involves field trips and field studies. Out-of-school field trips can provide an exciting and authentic dimension to students' learning experiences, but they also take the teacher and students out of the predictable classroom environment and into unfamiliar settings. Teachers must preview and plan these activities carefully to protect students' health and safety.