AVI1O Visual Arts, Grade 9 - Toronto eSchool

AVI1O Visual Arts, Grade 9

Course Title: AVI1O Visual Arts, Grade 9, Open
Course Name: Visual Arts
Course Code: AVI1O
Grade: 9
Course Type: Open
Credit Value: 1.0
Prerequisite: None
Curriculum Policy Document: The Arts, The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10, 2010 (Revised)
Course Developer: Erin W.
Department: The Arts
Department Head: Erin Weir, B.A.(Hon), B.Ed., OCT
Developed Date: 2019
Most Recent Revised Date: 2023 by Erin W.

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Course Description :

Visual Arts 9 - AVI1O course is exploratory in nature, offering an overview of visual arts as a foundation for further study. Students will become familiar with the elements and principles of design and the expressive qualities of various materials by using a range of media, processes, techniques, and styles. Students will use the creative and critical analysis processes and will interpret art within a personal, contemporary, and historical context.

Unit Unit Titles and Descriptions Time and Sequence
1 Elements of Principles and Design

In this unit introductory unit, students will become familiarized with the various elements of visual arts. They will learn the founding design techniques such as line, colour and form. Students will create various works of art to demonstrate their understanding of basic design techniques. Students will begin to work with the creative process in all of their works.

25 hours
2 Drawing Still Life

In this unit students will further develop their design element of drawing and shading. They will learn to develop further techniques such as depth and dimension. With these skills they will gain an understanding of still life drawings and practice perfecting their skill.

23 hours
3 Primitive Art History

In this unit students will examine various forms of art that are unique to cultures and countries. They will come to understand the social impact art has and why it is specifically created.

24 hours
4 Native Art

In this final unit, students will explore the unique art of Canada's First Nations peoples. Students will come to explore and understand concepts of appropriation and how to properly conduct themselves as artists.

25 hours
Midterm Assignment
Midterm assignment is worth 10% of the final grade.
5 hours
Final Culminating
As a final summative, it is worth 20% of the final grade.
5 hours
Final Exit Card
It is worth 10% of your final grade.
3 hours
Total 110 hours


1. The Creative Process: apply the creative process to create a variety of art works, individually and/or collaboratively;
2. The Elements and Principles of Design: apply the elements and principles of design to create art works for the purpose of self-expression and to communicate ideas, information, and/or messages;
3. Production and Presentation: produce art works, using a variety of media/materials and traditional and emerging technologies, tools, and techniques, and demonstrate an understanding of a variety of ways of presenting their works and the works of others.
1. The Critical Analysis Process: demonstrate an understanding of the critical analysis process by examining, interpreting, evaluating, and reflecting on various art works;
2. Art, Society, and Values: demonstrate an understanding of how art works reflect the society in which they were created, and of how they can affect both social and personal values;
3. Connections Beyond the Classroom: demonstrate an understanding of the types of knowledge and skills developed in visual arts, and identify various opportunities related to visual arts.
1. Terminology: demonstrate an understanding of, and use correct terminology when referring to, elements, principles, and other components related to visual arts;
2. Conventions and Techniques: demonstrate an understanding of conventions and techniques used in the creation of visual art works;
3. Responsible Practices: demonstrate an understanding of responsible practices related to visual arts.

All course material is online, no textbook purchase required. Resources and references for course materials will be provided on course webpage. Students are expected to watch and read all lecture videos and reading materials provided, and complete relevant exercises at student's time of continence.

As in a conventional classroom, instructors employ a range of strategies for teaching a course:

  • The use of graphic or visual Organizers
  • Examples of full solutions in various contexts and opportunities to practice
  • Direct instruction and coaching on student work by the teacher

In addition, teachers and students have at their disposal a number of tools that are unique to electronic learning environments:

  • Electronic simulation activities
  • Video presentations
  • Discussion boards and email
  • Assessments with real-time feedback
  • Interactive activities that engage both the student and teacher in the subject
  • Peer review and assessment
  • Internet Instructional Videos

Oral communication is taught and assessed throughout the online course. Students are expected to access and participate actively in course work and discussion forums on a regular and frequent basis. This interaction with other students is a major component of this course and there are minimum requirements for student communication and contribution.

Students must achieve the Ministry of Education learning expectations of a course and complete 110 hours of planned learning activities, both online and offline, in order to earn a course credit. Students must keep a learning log throughout their course which outlines the activities they have completed and their total learning hours. This log must be submitted before the final exam can be written.

The chart below indicates some general examples of online and offline activities.

Online Learning Activities Offline Learning Activities
Watching instructional videos Reading materials for course
Watching additional resources videos Studying instructional material
Completing online timed assignments Practicing skills
Contributing to Forums Completing assignments
Uploading video presentations Completing essays
Communicating with instructor Preparing presentations
Participating in live conferences Reviewing for tests and exams
Practicing through online quizzes Researching topics on internet
Reviewing peer submissions  
Assessing peer presentations  
Completing online timed exam