Student Support Services
Our student support services are offered through our student services and guidance counseling staff. Student support encompasses 3 distinct areas: student care and wellbeing, academic counseling and learning support.
Student Care & Wellbeing:
Our guidance counselors are available to support students experiencing social, emotional or academic difficulties and work to promote wellness among the entire student body. Various supports and interventions are available for students in order to ensure success. Various wellness workshops are also offered during the school year to assist the general student population.Academic Counseling:
Our guidance counselors regularly meet with our students to assist them their various academic needs. This includes ensuring students are on-track to meet Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) graduation requirements as well as meeting admission requirements for specific university or college programs. Our guidance counselors regularly meet with our students and work with each student to create a customized timetable that best suits each student and his/her goals, paving the way for the most successful outcomes.Our guidance counselors also assist students in researching and determining post-secondary goals and career paths, with completing college/university applications, with researching and completing applications for scholarships, bursaries and student loans, and provide information regarding university and college fairs. Day trips are arranged to local universities as well as to university and college fairs for students to gather information regarding possible choices of post-secondary institutions and programs.
TES Guidance Department is dedicated to the success and well-being of every students at Toronto eSchool.
Learning Support:
Our guidance counselors closely monitor all our students and intervene if a student is experiencing academic difficulties. Our guidance counselors also work closely with any students experiencing academic difficulties to determine the source of the difficulty and to implement appropriate measures to ensure student success.Referrals are made to the appropriate programs or supports if/when necessary such as: Homework Help, tutoring, various workshops or one of our other innovative academic programs geared at maximizing student marks.
Our caring staff will assist international students in their adjustment to Canadian culture, lifestyle and the education system and make this transition as smooth as possible.
Special Supports for International Students:
International student services include:- Airport pick up and accommodation
- Banking, phone registration, medical care and community involvement
- Guardianship and personal care
- Sightseeing, university tours and extra—curricular activities
- And much more
Student Accommodations and Meal Plan:
Our student residence is located minutes away from the school. Healthy and delicious food is prepared daily for the students and a comfortable and safe living environment is provided. TES also provides a full service, high quality home stay program for students who are interested in staying with a family during their study here. We do our best to make students feel secure and happy.Home stay services can be found online: Homadorma